Professional Development Resources
Workshop Slides and Recordings
Untold Histories Series
Untold Labor History: Thai Garment Workers - Slides | Recording
Untold Sikh American History: Sikhs in the Borderlands - Slides | Recording
Untold APIDA Joy: Celebrating Lunar New Year in the K-12 Context - Slides | Recording
Untold Korean American History: Sa-I-Gu, The 1992 LA Uprisings - Slides | Recording
Untold Vietnamese American History: The Vietnamese Fishermen’s Association v. Knights of the Ku Klux Klan - Workshop Resources
Webinar Slides
Coulter Convenor, AAPI Data, The Asian American Education Project Forum
State Standards Alignments
New Jersey
North Carolina
Stipend Professional Development Programs
Please see upcoming program information, topics, schedule, eligibility, and application in:
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