5.6.1 - Hate Crimes Analysis, Post 9/11
Grade: 9-12Subject: Math
Number of Lessons: 4
Students will explore the possible causes for the increase of hate crimes between 2000 and 2001 as well as compare the individual groups that were affected by September 11th using their own models. Students will analyze data related to Hate Crime Incidents in California based on bias motivation.
Learning Objectives:
Students will:
Essential Learning:
  • Students will understand how to interpret data.
  • Students will make sense of data.
  • Students will make inferences about the causes for the trends or spikes in the data.
  • Students will compare and contrast two data sheets.
    1. “A Citizen Fights for His Civil Rights after 9/11” Article
    2. Academic Vocabulary Graphic Organizer
    3. “After Words: September 11, 2001” Poem
    4. Chin Ileto Graphic Organizer
    5. Culminating Task
    6. Gallery Walk Worksheet
    7. Hate Crimes Box and Whisker Plot Worksheet
    8. Hate Crimes Data Analysis Compare and Contrast Form
    9. Hate Crimes Data 2000. FBI Nationwide Data.
    10. Hate Crimes Data 2001. FBI Nationwide Data.
    11. Homework Assignment
    12. “Joseph Ileto” Story
    13. Scatter Plot and Linear Regression Worksheet
    14. “Vincent Chin” Story
    15. “Who Took the Rap? A Call for Action” Article
    16. “Unit Plan Math Alg 1 Statistics - Hate Crime Analysis”
    Materials Not Included
    1. Chart Paper
    2. Markers
    3. Poster
    4. Paper
    1. Lower Quartile
    2. Maximum
    3. Median
    4. Minimum
    5. Outliers
    6. Range
    7. Upper Quartile
    LESSON 1: Analyzing Data After 9/11 (100 minutes)
    Prior Knowledge:
    Students need to know different ways to represent data (i.e., Pie Charts, Column/Bar graphs, scatter plots, histograms)
    1. Academic Vocabulary Study Sheet
    2. Hate Crimes Data Analysis Compare and Contrast Form
    3. Hate Crimes Data 2000. FBI Nationwide Data.
    4. Hate Crimes Data 2001. FBI Nationwide Data.
    5. “Who Took the Rap? A Call for Action” Article
    Activity 1: Quickwrite: Think-Ink-Pair-Share (15 minutes)
    Think about the statement below:
    • “…it was the argument of Peggy Noonan, a Wall Street Journal columnist who claimed that we must all ‘accept the necessity of racial profiling.”
    • Do you agree or disagree with Noonan?
    Ink: Have students write their response to the question
    Pair: Have students turn to a partner and share their response
    Share (Whole Class)
    • Class Survey: Have students raise hands whether they agree or disagree with Noonan. Write results on board. Have a discussion about the results.
    • Come up with a class definition of racial profiling.
    Possible Discussion Questions
    • What would prompt Noonan to feel that racial profiling is a necessity?
    • Who do you think are victims of racial profiling?
    • Have you ever seen/experienced racial profiling?
    Activity 2: Data Analysis in Pairs (15 minutes)
    Provide students with Hate Crimes 2000 and 2001 report and the Hate Crimes Data Analysis Compare and Contrast Form to fill out. Have students share-out answers to Compare and Contrast form.
    Activity 3: Article Reading: “Who Took The Rap? A Call to Action” (15 minutes)
    Activity 4: Data Representation (30 minutes)
    In groups have students look at the data again and assign each group one of the following Bias Motivation strands:
    Anti-Asian PacificAnti-BlackAnti-Islamic
    Students will compare 2000 and 2001 data and determine the best way to represent their data. They will create a poster to represent their data as well as a description of the similarities and differences.
    Activity 5: Class Presentation: Gallery Walk (10 minutes)
    Activity 6: Revisit Quickwrite (5 minutes)
    Have students make changes or add to their quickwrite to support their opinion of racial profiling.
    Activity 7: Project introduction (10 minutes)
  • Popcorn read “After Words: September 11, 2001” Poem.
  • Introduce students to Culminating Task: “What is YOUR story? How will you tell your story? And how will you turn ideas into actions?”(“Who took the Rap? A Call to Action”)
    LESSON 2: Box and Whisker Plot (Suggested Time: 45 minutes)
    Prior Knowledge:
    Students need to know how to represent data using a box-and-whisker plot and how to identify outliers.
    Prior Knowledge Vocabulary:
    1. ”A Citizen Fights for His Civil Rights after 9/11” Article
    2. Gallery Walk
    3. Hate Crimes Box and Whisker Plot Worksheet
    Materials Not Included
    1. Chart Paper
    Activity 1: Read and Reflect (15 minutes)
    Activity 2: (30 minutes)
    In groups, have students work on the Hate Crimes Box and Whisker Plot Worksheet.
    Activity 3: (5 minutes)
    Exit slip: How can you identify outliers?
    LESSON 3: Scatter Plot and Linear Regression (Suggested Time: 60 minutes)
    Prior Knowledge:
    Students need to know how to create a scatter plot and find the linear regression of the data set. (Adjust for time if using this lesson to teach linear regressions)
    1. Chin Ileto Graphic Organizer
    2. “Joseph Ileto” Story
    3. Scatter Plot and Linear Regression Worksheet
    4. “Vincent Chin” Story
    Activity 1: Read and Reflect (25 minutes)
    With a partner, have each student read one of the stories.
    Activity 2: (30 minutes)
    With a partner, have students work on the Scatter Plot and Linear Regression Worksheet
    Activity 3: Homework (5 minutes)
    Exit slip: How can you identify outliers?
    LESSON 4: Culminating Task (Suggested Time: 30 minutes)
    1. Culminating Task Worksheet
    Activity 1:
    Provide students with the culminating task worksheet and discuss requirements for their final project.