6.2.1 - Pacific Islanders and U.S. Colonization
The Asian American Education Project
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Map of the Pacific Islands
Credit: Kahuroa (Public Domain Image)
Grade: 9-12Subject: English Language Arts, Social Studies, U.S. History
The Pacific Islands have been greatly impacted by U.S. colonization. In this lesson, students will learn about the history and geography of the Pacific Islands. Students will learn about the Pacific Islands’ complex relationship with the United States, especially around statehood and territory status. They will learn about struggles for sovereignty. They will also read about Pacific Islander perspectives on being grouped with Asian Americans.
Lesson Objectives:
Students will:
Pacific Islanders and U.S. Colonization Essay
The Pacific Islands consist of thousands of islands of varying sizes in the Pacific Ocean. Together, the region encompasses about one-third of the earth’s surface. The Pacific Islands are organized into three ethnogeographic groupings: Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia.
The Melanesian islands are located north and east of Australia and south of the Equator. This region includes the independent nations of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Fiji, and Vanuatu, as well as other islands including but not limited to the Indonesian part of New Guinea, New Caledonia, and the Torres Strait Islands.
The Micronesian islands are north of Melanesia and the Equator and east of the Philippines. This region consists of about 2,000 islands, many of which are part of four main archipelagos: the Caroline Islands, the Gilbert Islands, the Mariana Islands, and the Marshall Islands. The U.S. territories of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands are part of Micronesia.
The Polynesian islands are located in the central and southern Pacific Ocean and include over 1,000 islands. Geographically, the Polynesian islands form a triangle with the Hawaiian islands in the north, New Zealand to the southwest, and Easter Islands to the southeast. Within the triangle, island groups include but are not limited to Tonga, Samoa, and Cook Islands.
The names Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia were given by Europeans. Polynesia, which means “many islands,” was named first and referred to all of the islands in the Pacific. Later explorers further grouped the islands into Melanesia, which refers to the dark skin of the islands’ inhabitants, and Micronesia, referring to the many tiny islands in the region.
For centuries, Pacific Islanders have established effective governing and economic systems. Most Pacific Island societies relied on systems of reciprocity. The islands in close proximity may have developed regular trade. Voyagers in the Pacific Islands had developed sophisticated systems of seafaring and navigation.
During the 16th and 17th centuries, European explorers began to arrive on the Pacific Islands. These trips generally only lasted a few months, and the explorers engaged in simple barter with the islanders. By the 18th century, Europeans began to establish permanent settlements in the Pacific Islands, ultimately leading to colonial rule by France, Great Britain, Germany, Australia, Japan, and the United States.
U.S. colonization changed the Pacific Islands. Most Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander communities have a complex relationship with the United States due to colonization and militarization. Under the concept of Manifest Destiny in the 19th century, many Americans believed the United States was “destined” for expansion across North America and beyond, which empowered the United States government to claim lands as their own, often without the consent of the people who were already living there.
Because of their strategic location in the Pacific Ocean, the Pacific Islands were considered desirable military locations. For example, the Marshall Islands were used for nuclear weapons testing during World War II (1939-1945), which destroyed land, drove people away from their homes, and exposed people to radiation, leading to increased rates of various cancers.
Hawaiʻi is one Pacific Island that has been greatly impacted by U.S. colonization. It became the fiftieth U.S. state in 1959, after it was annexed in 1898 following the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy by American sugar planters. Native Hawaiians have had mixed responses to statehood. Many in the Native Hawaiian sovereignty movement view the annexation of Hawaiʻi and overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi as illegal, and believe that statehood has led to the loss of their indigenous land and culture. Goals within the movement vary, ranging from federal recognition of Hawaiians as Native people to seeking the reestablishment of an independent nation. Others recognize some of the benefits of statehood, such as the right to vote, representation in the federal government, and economic growth. Today, Native Hawaiians continue to fight for sovereignty and self-determination.
Territories have a different relationship with the United States. Three of the Pacific Islands are U.S. territories: Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa. (The two other U.S. territories are Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.) People who live in U.S. territories are American citizens, but unlike U.S. states, territories do not have a vote in Congress. While they send a delegate to the House of Representatives and to political conventions, they have no voting rights for legislation and no electoral votes in presidential elections.
Guam had been a Spanish colony since the 1500s, and came under the United States control with the signing of the 1898 Treaty of Paris between Spain and the United States. During World War II, Japan occupied Guam for 2.5 years, before control was returned to the United States in 1944. Also under the 1898 Treaty of Paris, Spain sold the Mariana Islands to Germany. The Mariana Islands then came under Japanese control at the start of World War I in 1914. When Japan surrendered to the United States in World War II, the United States took control over the Northern Mariana Islands in 1945. American Samoa came under U.S. control in 1899 under the Treaty of Berlin, which separated the Samoan Islands and gave the eastern islands to the United States. These complex relationships with the United States have created various pathways for these Pacific Islanders to come to the Continental United States.
Because of these dynamics, many Pacific Islanders who live in the United States have a complicated relationship with the United States. Despite having distinct cultures, languages, histories, experiences, and concerns, Pacific Islanders are often grouped with Asian Americans in the United States. For some, this feels like another form of marginalization.
From 1960 to 1990, the U.S. Census counted Pacific Islanders and Native Hawaiians with Asians. In 1990, they introduced the term “Asian or Pacific Islander.” In 1997, the Office of Management and Budget (the federal office responsible for creating racial categories used on the Census) created two different groups: “Asian” and “Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.” These groupings first appeared in the 2000 Census and are still used today.
Despite the Census separating the two groups in 1997, they are still commonly combined today. For example, the term “Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI)” is commonly used. While Hawaiʻi is part of the Pacific Islands, Native Hawaiians are explicitly named, most likely due to Hawaiʻi being a state. After Hawaiʻi became a state in 1959, the U.S. Census included “Hawaiian” in the 1960 Census, then began using the term “Native Hawaiian'' in the 2000 Census.
Native Hawaiians, or Kānaka Maoli, are the indigenous people of Hawaiʻi. This means they have indigenous ancestry to the islands, as opposed to being a resident of Hawaiʻi. Residents refer to people who have moved there, including those whose families have been there for generations.
“Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI)”* is another term frequently used today. The term gained prominence in the 1980s and was meant to broaden the umbrella of “Asian American” by including Pacific Islanders to show unity and increase political power. However, it can be limiting and lead to erasure of Pacific Islander communities. While the term is meant to be inclusive of many communities, it can actually lead to conflating these communities and assuming a monolithic identity and experience for everyone under the AAPI label.
The AAPI grouping can also hide disparities between the two groups in data. When grouped together, differences in areas such as health, education, and income can get lost, and the unique concerns of small, vulnerable groups can be ignored or minimized. This can have serious consequences when it comes to the distribution of funding and resources. For example, later data showed that COVID disproportionately impacted Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations. But early data masked these disparities by combining Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, so funding and resources were not equitably distributed to the communities being hardest hit by the pandemic.
In recent years, the term “Pasifika” has gained traction amongst Pacific Islanders as an identifier. This term was created in Aotearoa (the Māori language name for New Zealand) in the 1980s to describe Indigenous migrants from the Pacific Islands. It was created to distinguish these migrants from the Māori, who are the tangata whenua, or “people of the land.” Use of the term is part of a growing movement to name their own community, rejecting terms such as Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia, which were invented by Europeans. Pasifika also seeks to empower Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders as distinct from Asian Americans.
While there are many issues with grouping Pacific Islanders with Asian Americans, there are some arguments for maintaining the label. Because the Pacific Islander population in the United States is very small, being a part of the AAPI label can have some positive impacts for visibility. There is also power in numbers, as Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders can unite to voice shared concerns and work in solidarity.
* Different identifiers for the APIDA community are examined in The Asian American Education Project lesson entitled, “Who is the APIDA Community?

“AAPI Demographics: Data on Pacific Islander ethnicities, education, and income.” USA Facts, 17 April 2023. https://usafacts.org/articles/aapi-demographics-data-on-pacific-islander-ethnicities-education-and-income/. Accessed 23 August 2023.
“About the Topic of Race.” United States Census Bureau. https://www.census.gov/topics/population/race/about.html. Accessed 23 August 2023.
“American Samoa.” Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS), https://www.pacioos.hawaii.edu/education/region-amsamoa/. Accessed 23 August 2023.
Foster, Sophie and West, Francis James. (2024). “Pacific Islands.” Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/place/Pacific-Islands. Accessed 15 July 2024. Accessed 15 July 2024.
“Guam.” Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS), https://www.pacioos.hawaii.edu/education/region-guam/. Accessed 23 August 2023.
Kaur, Harmeet. (2023). “Why some have mixed feelings about the terms Asian American and AAPI.” CNN. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/01/us/asian-american-aapi-terms-history-cec/index.html. Accessed 11 July 2024.
Kwong, Emily. (Host) (2024, June 27). “What does AAPI really stand for?” [Podcast audio]. In Inheriting. NPR/LAist. Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2024/06/26/1249399704/inheriting-aapi-sefa-aina. Accessed 11 July 2024.
“Northern Mariana Islands.” Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System (PacIOOS), https://www.pacioos.hawaii.edu/education/region-cnmi/. Accessed 23 August 2023.
Ramirez, Marc. (2023). “In Pasifika, Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander communities seek identity and independence.” USA Today. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/01/15/pacific-islanders-pasifika-statement-identity-independence/11049428002/. Accessed 18 July, 2024.
“State of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders in the United States.” AAPI Data, June 2022. https://aapidata.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/State-AANHPIs-National-June2022.pdf. Accessed 23 August 2023.
Webbner, Tim. “What does being a U.S. territory mean for Puerto Rico?” NPR News, 13 October 2017. https://www.npr.org/2017/10/13/557500279/what-does-being-a-u-s-territory-mean-for-puerto-rico. Accessed 23 August 2023.
Zhou, Li. (2021). “The inadequacy of the term “Asian American.” Vox. https://www.vox.com/identities/22380197/asian-american-pacific-islander-aapi-heritage-anti-asian-hate-attacks. Accessed 11 July 2024.

1 Definition is adopted from Merriam-Webster Dictionary
* Definition from https://www.usa.gov/census-data
Discussion Questions:
  1. Where are the Pacific Islands?
  2. What is colonization?
  3. How did Hawaiʻi become a U.S. state? What are the pros and cons of statehood?
  4. What is a U.S. territory? Which Pacific Islands are U.S. territories? What are the pros and cons of being a U.S. territory?
  5. What is the impact of Pacific Islanders being grouped with Asian Americans? What are possible positive impacts? What are possible negative impacts?
Activity 1: Learning about Pacific Islanders
  1. Ask students if they know what “APIDA,” “AAPI,” or “AANHPI” stand for.
    1. Tell students what each acronym stands for (i.e., Asian Pacific Islander Desi American, Asian American Pacific Islander, Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander) and highlight that the “PI” in each term refers to “Pacific Islander.”
    2. Tell students that while Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders are frequently grouped together, they are different communities with different experiences in the United States, and Pacific Islanders are often ignored or forgotten when these broad terms are used.
    3. Tell students that just like there is a tremendous amount of diversity within Asian American communities, Pacific Islanders have diverse cultures, experiences, and histories.
  2. Have students work in partners or small groups to research the history of one Pacific Island of their choice.
    1. Have students document their findings in the worksheet entitled, “Pacific Islanders - Island Research.” Have students identify the following:
      1. Name of island
      2. Location
      3. Facts about the island, including demographics, indigenous peoples, climate, culture, food, languages, natural resources, etc.
      4. Brief history, including prior colonizers, relevant wars, treaties, agreements, etc. if applicable
      5. Current governance, including relationship to the United States, if applicable
    2. Have students present their findings in a format of their choosing, such as a poster, brochure, Slide Deck, or social media reel.
The upside-down Hawaiian flag represents the Hawaiian Kingdom in distress; it is used as a symbol of the Hawaiian sovereignty movement.
Credit: Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons
Activity 2: Examining the Relationship between the Pacific Islands and United States
  1. Have students read the essay. Facilitate a discussion (see Discussion Questions) about the essay to ensure comprehension.
  2. Tell students that many Pacific Islands have a complex relationship with the United States that is often rooted in colonization and that different islands have different relationships with the United States (and other colonial powers).
  3. Distribute the worksheet entitled, “Statehood vs. Territory.”
    1. Have students work in pairs to complete the table on page 1. Have students research a definition for “state” and “territory.” If needed, provide the following definitions:
      1. U.S. state: a geographical area that has its own sovereignty separate from the federal government, and is one of the constituent units of the United States.
      2. U.S. territory: a geographical area that is overseen by the federal government but does not have its own sovereignty.
    2. Have students research pros and cons of statehood status for both the island and for the United States and record in the “State” column.
    3. Have students research pros and cons of territory status for both the island and for the United States and record in the “Territory” column.
  4. Have students complete page 2 of the worksheet entitled, “Statehood vs. Territory.” Have students choose one Pacific Island that is either a U.S. state or territory (i.e., Hawaiʻi, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa) to conduct a case study.
    1. Have students list the island name and its current relationship to the United States (ie. state or territory).
    2. Have students research pros and cons of the current relationship with the United States for the island.
    3. Have students research pros and cons of the current relationship with the United States for the United States.
  5. Have students write a paragraph responding to the following question: How did the United States impact this Pacific Island? Have them consider economic, social, political, and/or cultural impacts.
  6. Have students read the table below. Tell students that these are generalizations about indigenous and imperialist perspectives. Explain that people from all communities have different perspectives, and may agree or disagree to varying extents with these ideas.
Indigenous people are native to a particular place; they inhabited a land before the arrival of colonists.
Imperialist people, as colonizers and foreigners, seek to extend the power of their nation in order to control or subjugate lands already inhabited by others
  • Prioritizing land stewardship with people being held responsible for the caring of the land and its natural resources
  • Viewing land as an asset that needs to be nurtured and sustained for future generations.
  • Prioritizing land ownership with people having legal rights to control land
  • Viewing land as a financial investment that can be publicly or privately owned.
  • Seeking self-determination to restore indigenous ways of life
  • Prioritizing kinship and communal/tribal connection
  • Seeking to expand control to new areas, especially to extract resources
  • Prioritizing individual rights
  • Preserving cultural traditions by passing down knowledge to future generations
  • Pushing assimilation and/or compliance to dominant/mainstream culture
  1. Facilitate a discussion using the following questions:
    1. How do the pros and cons for Pacific Islands of state or territory status reflect the indigenous vs. imperialist perspectives listed above?
    2. How do the pros and cons for the United States of state or territory status reflect the indigenous vs. imperialist perspectives listed above?
    3. Why is it important to understand indigenous perspectives when considering the pros and cons of state or territory status for the Pacific Islands?
Activity 3: The “PI” in “AAPI”
  1. Show a clip (6:28-7:33) from the video entitled, “Are You “AAPI” or “Asian American”? It's Complicated.” Facilitate a discussion using the following questions:
    1. How has war and colonization impacted the relationship between the United States and the Pacific Islands?
    2. Why do the speakers argue that the term “AANHPI” is still an important acronym?
  2. Have students use the Jigsaw strategy. Divide the class into 3 large groups, and assign each group one of the following texts (articles/podcast). Each group is responsible for becoming an expert on the text.
    1. Group 1: How inclusive is 'AAPI'? Pacific Islanders debate the label by Yi-Jin Yu in Today
    2. Group 2: Antioch Voices: Don’t forget the “PI” in AAPI by Sierra-Nicole E. Debinion in Common Thread Antioch University News
    3. Group 3: What does AAPI really stand for? (7:19-16:48) Inheriting podcast, Emily Kwong and Sefa Aina
  3. Have students read or listen to their text and complete the worksheet entitled, “Text Analysis.”
    1. Have students write the title of their assigned text on page 1.
    2. Have students identify sourcing information about their text:
      1. Who wrote this?
      2. When was it written?
      3. Who is the intended audience?
    3. Have students do a close reading of the text and identify:
      1. What claims does the author make?
      2. What evidence does the author make to support their claims?
    4. Have students summarize key points in favor of grouping Pacific Islanders with Asian Americans and key points against grouping Pacific Islanders with Asian Americans on page 2.
  4. Have students work in groups of 3, with one representative from each of the texts. Have each student teach about their assigned text by sharing key points. Have students listen to their partners and add notes to their list of key points in favor of and against grouping Pacific Islanders with Asian Americans on page 2 of the worksheet.
  5. Facilitate a discussion using the following questions:
    1. What are some of the main arguments Pacific Islanders have named for and against grouping Pacific Islanders with Asian Americans?
    2. Why is it important to listen to and center Pacific Islanders’ perspectives on this topic?
    3. How can we be more intentional about including Pacific Islanders and ensuring that their stories and concerns are visible?
Activity 4: Pacific Islanders Essay
  1. Have students write an explanatory essay addressing the following questions: “What has been the impact of the United States on the Pacific Islands? How has the United States changed the islands’ ways of being by positioning them as part of the United States?”
  2. Have students write an explanatory essay addressing the following questions: “What are the pros and cons of grouping Pacific Islanders with Asian Americans together? What is the significance of separating the Pacific Islander community from the Asian American community?” Have students cite evidence from the three texts in Activity 3 and/or seek out other sources.
Further Information:
The Asian American Education Project lesson entitled, “Who is the APIDA Community?”: http://asianamericanedu.org/who-is-apida.html
The Asian American Education Project lesson entitled, “Citizenship and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Sovereignty”: https://asianamericanedu.org/citizenship-nhpi-sovereignty.html
The Asian American Education Project lesson entitled, “National Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement”: https://asianamericanedu.org/3.3-Native-Hawaiian-Sovereignty-lesson-plan.html
The Asian American Education Project lesson entitled, “AAPI Women Voices: Identity & Activism in Poetry”: https://asianamericanedu.org/aapi-women-voices-identity-activism.html
The Asian American Education Project lesson entitled, “Asian American Pacific Islander Women Poetic Elements”: https://asianamericanedu.org/asian-american-pacific-islander-women-poetic-elements.html
The Asian American Education Project lesson entitled, “’Iolani Palace: A Symbol of Hawaiian History, Identity, and Community”: https://asianamericanedu.org/iolani-palace.html